以下是亚马逊盗图投诉模板英文版: Subject: Complaint about Photography Rights infringement Dear Amazon team, I am writing to express my complaint regarding a seller on your platform who is infringing on my photography rights. It concerns a product with the following details: Item Title: [Item Title] ASIN: [ASIN Number] Product Description: [Product Description] The seller has been selling a product that uses my original photography without proper authorization or attribution. The images in question are my exclusive property and I have not given any permission for use on this product. The seller has been selling this product for a long time and has received a significant amount of feedback from customers who have been deceived by the seller's false claims. This behavior has caused significant damage to my reputation and income. I request that you take immediate action to remove this infringing product from your platform and take appropriate disciplinary action against the seller. I also request that you provide me with a response explaining the action you have taken in this matter. I understand that Amazon has a zero-tolerance policy for infringement of intellectual property rights, and I am confident that you will handle this matter appropriately. Thank you for your time and attention to this complaint. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

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