邮件模板如下: Subject: [Proposed infringement of your rights] Report of infringing items in Amazon Dear Amazon Customer Service, I am an authorized seller of [product category] on Amazon. After a careful review of the product listings on your platform, I have noticed that some sellers are selling products that infringe my intellectual property rights and trademarks. I hereby request that you investigate this matter promptly and take appropriate action to stop the infringement of my rights. Please provide me with the relevant information about the infringing items and the seller who is selling them. I also request that you assist me in enforcing my rights by cooperating with the appropriate legal authorities to pursue any further action. I trust that Amazon will take appropriate action to protect the legitimate interests of authorized sellers like myself. Thank you for your attention to this matter. [Your name] [Your email address] [Your official company name] [Product category and product number] 请注意,这只是一个模板,您可能需要根据具体情况进行修改。此外,您应该提供更多具体的信息,例如您拥有的商标和被侵权产品的详细信息,以便亚马逊客户服务能够更好地处理您的投诉。

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